The wonderful chaos of the festive period is winding down and I found some time to finally update the blog with all the lovely photos I took from our Autumn Term (Sept-Dec 2015). We've had some new faces join us, the start of French days with our lovely new teacher Melanie, lots of amazing art projects, a trip to visit bee hives and taste different kinds of honey, plus lots of cooking, dance performances and lots of playing - the heart of Hayati Homeschool days! Last term we introduced different topics including healthy eating, bees & honey, animal habitats and conservation.
Enjoy our photos!
The children cook something everyday:
Spinach, lentil & feta filo pie |
Breton animal biscuits in French Class |
Date, nut & cocoa bliss balls rolled in coconut |
The beginnings of a plum tart |
We do an art project everyday:
Apple printing |
Stenciling and collage |
Watermelon with shaving foam paint |
H is for Hive & for Hexagon & for Honey! |
Appreciating the honey bee |
The letter 'Q' is for 'Queen Bee' | | |
Counting & number recognition with flower petal art - bending the card into petal shapes great for fine motor development too! |
More art for number understanding - finger painting caterpillar legs! |
Finger painting bats 'chauve-souris' for Halloween |
Standing Zebras |
J is for jellyfish! |
Learning about the letter 'V' and endangered animals |
Seasons greetings cards for the festive period! |
The most important part of the day is play, the key to learning:
Looking forward to more learning adventures in 2016!